When everyone calls you a cock expert, you know you’re a bad chick, and that title is proudly worn by gorgeous White, who can’t wait to show you her oral prowess in this new episode of Porn Tube. The tight, dark-haired slut strips naked for you, grabs your erect cock, massages it and your hard balls, then lick you up and down and stroke you with both hands. She wants you to cum on those perky tits, and you wouldn’t dream of not giving her what she wants. Porn Tube White doesn’t waste any time, and as soon as she removes her bra and underwear, she gets down to business. She wants to fuck you with her mouth so badly. This explains why she immediately drops to her knees and starts covering your hard cock with kisses while staring at you. Each time her mouth comes into contact with your Porn Tube cock, it expands a little faster, bringing you closer to the point of ejaculation, but she’s not ready for you to orgasm yet, so she slows down, giving you time to recover. Then she kneels above you, her shaved pussy on your lap, wrapping both hands around your cock, twisting and stroking it until she makes you cum. She multitasks and knows that to make you cum she needs to use her mouth and hands at the same time, so she makes you cum while she strokes your cock until you lose all willpower and explode on top of her!