Recently, friends of the late, great Betty Dodson gathered online to celebrate her 92nd birthday. Everyone Betty touched in her life has learned a lot from her. Still, today, I am thinking about two particular insights and techniques that Betty shared in her Body sexy Escorts Service workshops that everyone should know. Many people struggle to get excited enough to enjoy a sexy escorts service fully, let alone have a reliable orgasm. This is especially true for those who are losers in the study of what we call the “orgasm gap” — cisgender women who have little or no orgasm during intercourse or other penetrative play. (Some cis men don’t orgasm in this context, but their numbers are much smaller.) Even if these two tricks were widely used, I’m not sure they would be able to close the orgasm gap. But I’m sure they’ll help many people enjoy sexy escorts services more. And they both help us live longer inside our bodies. That’s also great! One of them is about breathing and voice. Many people are quiet as a mouse during sexy escorts services. They never talk, they don’t moan, and they barely breathe hard. Betty wants you to breathe deeply and exhale audibly. It’s similar to the yoga breathing techniques that many of you have experienced, although not necessarily in a sexy escorts service environment. Plus, as we explained in Sexy Escorts Services, expressing emotions and erotic feelings (and hearing them from your partner) is a sexy escorts service. Breathing profoundly gives your body what it needs to live and grow: oxygen. Letting it out with an audible sigh, a moan, a scream, or a few erotic words can connect you to your desires and be an antidote to shame, one of the forces that silence us in the first place. And if you’re shy? Try using just simple words. Or even just simple words. It’s a great trick to take you even deeper into the erotic experience. (Don’t you feel it? Make sure you want it. And here’s a powerful insight from Betty Dodson that connects it to your physical ability to feel aroused: Sexual intercourse (especially during pregnancy) is possible without moving. But staying still barely fires one of your powerful engines of arousal. Thrusting your hips circulates sexual feelings from your pelvis throughout your body. This is one reason why the so-called “cowgirl” position (which, yes, is enjoyed by many who don’t identify as women as well) is known to be an orgasm-prone position.